Legends Living is a trusted assisted living home in Minnesota known for its well-designed and pristine living environment and high-quality care and services. We offer our residents a conducive living environment where their independence and self-esteem are preserved, and a supportive atmosphere that makes them feel productive and valued. We offer a comprehensive array of services tailored to address the varying and special needs of our residents, boost their confidence in accomplishing routines and participating in activities, and uphold their quality of life.
Legends Living has a team of supportive and trained professionals dedicated to making an incomparable living experience for all our residents. They monitor our resident’s safety, comfort, and overall health during their stay with us. Our staff are carefully selected based on their qualifications, experiences, and background so we know that our residents receive unparalleled care from them. With this, we guarantee our residents comfort and convenience.
Our Mission
We aim to provide standard quality person-centered support and care to Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) or other disability. We create a home-like setting where their dignity and independent lifestyles are respected.
Our Vision
We aspire to create a secure and conducive living environment and provide highly professional quality care in promoting our resident’s well-being and offering innovative care services that will lead the industry to its future.
Find out more about our assisted living home by sending us a message.